Friday, September 26, 2008

There were tons of flowers everywhere. Emily loved to stop and smell them.
All the buildings were German style, even the bank and Starbucks.
We stopped to enjoy a strawberry ice cream in the park.
Andres standing under a beer wagon. The drivers were dressed in traditional clothes.Emily's best side, either that or she takes after her mother.
Ok, these pictures were suppose to be second, not first. Either I have no idea how to do this, or this computer is just a pile of scrap metal.

Leavenworth, WA

So, Luis turned the big 30 on Sunday. I decided to suprise him with a trip to a little German town about 2 hours away. We have never been there so I figured it was a good place to try, besides, I have never had German food. I forgot that Luis had and unfortunately doesn't like it, but I will come to that.

I had worked 2 weeks setting this trip up and it seemed like the stars were against me. Things became difficult last minute and Luis kept changing his mind about what he thought we should do for his birthday. He even invited people to a party we weren't going to have! Anyway, after much damage control, the secret remained intact. I decided to get him to the car (which was packed with overnight stuff and presents) I would tell him I wanted to get up early and go garage saleing. We woke up to RAIN. He decides it would not be a good idea to go to a garage sale. Then I tell him I desperately want to go to Costco (we needed gas for the trip) before the crowds came. We get there before the store opens (on purpose of course) and I tell him to get gas and we would come back later. I then tell him we have to go to my friend Megan's house (on the way to Leavenworth) and drop something off. As we pass her house I tell him to keep going, that I changed my mind. Finally he starts asking questions. I can't believe the suprise lasted that long. I do have grey hair from it by the way. Anyway, it was a beautiful little town and we had fun looking at all the shops, sampling cheese, ice cream, gelato, and even a bratwurst.

So, as I said before, Luis doesn't like German food so we went for chinese and pizza which were very good. We visited museums, went for hikes, walked the parks, and played on the beach of the wenatchee river. Very pretty. The funny part was when Andres realized that we were there on a Sunday. (We went Saturday to Sunday afternoon, it isn't a suprise if you have to get your husband to ask for a day off work!) Anyway, he was so upset that we went to a museum, had a hotdog and gingerbread cookie, and played in a play area on Sunday. He made me promise not to do it again. :) What a good boy! I know, I am a bad example.

Overall, a great trip. Luis was happy with the suprise and his presents ( a zune and new pants).

A view of main street

This is inside the Nutcraker museum. The only nutcracker you are allowed to take a picture of.

Andres was licking chocolate off the foil, then he looked at us and said, "Quick daddy, take my picture!"

Andres and Emily in the park.

Playing on the play area.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Andrés' first day of preschool

Well, I am the only mom I know who has not blogged about their child's first day of school. I am so bad I don't even have a picture! Oh well, better late than never.

Andrés started preschool this year. I wanted to give him a year to get used to the school atmosphere and get used to a teacher before going to "the yellow school" as he calls it. He was up at 7:30 am that morning, dressed, and heading for the car before I caught him. He told me he was going to wait in the car until we left for 2 HOURS. Anyway, I convinced him to go upstairs and eat breakfast. We got his lunch and then I tried to distract him until it was time to go. He kept asking, and asking, and asking. He was so excited. I finally was able to go and drop him off. When I went to get him, he came out and told me he was so disappointed. I was concerned and asked him why? He said "Why did you take me to this house? I thought I was going to the yellow school with the bus!" (He attends preschool in a house run by some ladies I know from church in a house.) I had to contain my laughter as I explained to him that this was the school we had visited and he had been there before. That he would go to the yellow school next year. For a week after that he kept asking me if it was time to go to the yellow school. Obviously he has trouble understanding time periods. Needless to say, 2 weeks later he is having a blast. He loves school and always comes out singing or telling me all kinds of stories about things they did or learned. I am glad he is enjoying it and this gives Emily and I 3 days a week to spend together doing girl things. :)